2 min readSep 23, 2019

He really works in a mysterious way.

as you all know, i posted recently about my dilemma in life after college. tonight, i learned a lesson that i think is worth sharing.

i went out today with my high school best friends. we’ve been friends since 7th grade, and just like any other friendship, we’ve shared beautiful and ugly moments with each other. however, that’s not the subject of my work tonight. this is all about navigating the road of life.

after having tea and macarons, graciela picked a movie to watch. her first choice was godzilla, we found it dull so even though i don’t really watch horror films, i was forced to see annabelle comes home. it was apparently horrifying and it made me jumped off from my seat. it was a really nice work of art.

afterward, we sat for a while and surprisingly talk about life. it was a rare occasion; we would touch a few things about it but it was never a subject of our dates. to my delight, it taught me a thing that i should have instilled in me a long time ago.

leona was our class valedictorian in high school. somehow, she became my inspiration in achieving greater things in junior high. an out of the blue question came out of my mouth.

“did you ever have a downtime in college?”

“never. well, except from the time that i shifted to finance from accountancy. however, i never took it as something that really brought me rock bottom.”

“really? wow! i wished i knew how to do that.”

with confidence, she uttered: “i never really overthink because i know what i’m doing. i’m blessed that my family never put pressure on me. they just let me do things on my own. they let me grow. also, i am confident about myself. i know what i want and i am going to get it someday.”

at that moment, i realized that no one really compelled me to do the things that i did. and the feeling of dejection is the product of my own expectation.

i was astounded when i grasped that most of my pain from the past came from myself.

why would i be so sacred if i know that i am good at what i do? it’s just a matter of perfect timing.

i will get to my desired altitude but i need to start from the runway. no one is magically put in the world stage. they first honed their gift and learn it.

bottomline: as long as you know your purpose in life, no matter how long the ride will be, it will always lead you there. you just need to believe and build your self-esteem. only you can fill up the void that is created for you.


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